Assorted Ideas
This is quite an extensive list where only a small subset actually will be done.
Do now / ongoing
- Start monitoring of UPS. See UPSMonitoringOpenBSD.
- Try server monitoring. See MRTG.
- Add avahi or openbsd mdns to netatalk setup.
- Setup Transmission/rTorrent on library use via web interface.
- Secure distributed safe data storage. Use rsync, bittorrent or similar to distribute storage among friends or completely anonymous to a network. Avoid a single vendor and get control. See FreedomBox and OpenStorage.
- OpenNAS
- Embedded Alarm Clock
- TextualGantt
- FluxgameNG
- Logo inspired graphics language
Do later ...
- Do something with OpenBSD ports database
- Submit something to Quirky
- Do an OpenBSD dependency graph. Maybe in Haskell. Compare with FreeBSD's portdepends.
- 3G failover over 3G. See e.g. ifstated.conf for failover
- Test salt and zeromq.
- Port despotify to OpenBSD.
- Try YubiKey - OpenBSD port available.
- Fantastical like command line tool for entering events and tasks in google calendar.
- Try tiling WM as ScrotWM
- Test
. - Setup a movida HTPC based on OpenBSD 4.7
- SoundBridge messenger
- SiteUptime or ServiceUptime
- Check out Ryan Freeman game ports
- Improved Image handling in Instiki
- WordGrinder - Create a port for WordGrinder.
- HBench - Create a port for HBench
- DIY touch panels
- iCD kitchen tablet
- Custom Tablets
- Port pinta - needs mono and GTK+.
- Install gThumb - Great image/video/audio viewer editor.
- Install Krita - Painting software part of KDE.
- Port OpenSLP - similar to zeroconf and UPnP.
- IR Reciever in OpenBSD
- Port MyPaint to OpenBSD.
- Port yaws and nitrogen to OpenBSD. Also see basho.
- Port Good architecture for performance as well.
- OpenCommunication
- Do experiment with aucat, sndio, timidity and fluidsynth all supported by OpenBSD. Midi viewer/checker. Midi software synth. See e.g. Rosegarden, midi sw overview and Csound
- Do a simple VisiCalc clone in SmallTalk/Ruby or Java. See e.g. dabbledb and spreadsheet overview. resolver
- Build your own CallerId presenter. MT8870 design
- mdoc to epub converter. To get your openbsd manuals on kindle.
- Wunderscan - this was exactly my idea with
- Extract OpenBSD System Configuration - compare with sysmerge(8)
- MapEditor
- CameraModel - Some initial model done
- Build netbackup to tarsnap
- RealAdventureQuiz
- Switch to mercurial. Not fully automated, but documentation has been written for all important projects.
- Build a maintenance site that can be used in case of main site failure. Try e.g. I chose ARP Networks instead. Some test applications has been installed and MySQL sync need to be implemented.
- Implement A* search algorithms in Ruby (A* ruby quiz) and Haskell (Data.Graph.AStar). Multiple paths support is still not done.
- Create a backup firewall using flashrd and Alix. See e.g. OpenBSD Embedded Router. But I use a normal OpenBSD install and not
. - Bézier curves in Haskell
- Setup BirdsClock with
. - Automatic WLAN configuration of known networks in OpenBSD. The result is AutoWifi.
- TodoModo
- Install or develop a web-album on Photos.
- Twyne - Morgonsol was made.
- Minimalistic Blog
- MediaLink
Cancelled (at least way ahead in the future!)
- ThoughtDB
- Setup CVSTrac for internal CVS repository. Replaced by mercurial.
- PasswordStore - Using Bitwarden now which is fine.
- Port minidlna - port available.
- FanControl
Others Ideas
- bike2 - chainless electric bike power (example, design)