OpenBSD Blog
At some point I would like to dedicate a blog for OpenBSD/UNIX related topics.
Post proposals
- Links to other great guides
- Solution for WLAN/Ethernet access issue
- Solution for WLAN access script
- Setup OpenBSD as a desktop machine
- Setup Rails server
- OpenBSD basic install
- NGINX static pages
- Rails, Rake with Mongrel
- Rails, Rake with Passenger
- Jetty server
- Setup PF to access test/public server
- Setup embedded solution using Alix cards
- Setup TimeMachine server (see)
- Setup cohereance/mediatomb/minidlna media server
- 10 great things about openbsd (see)
- Useful UNIX commands with example
- Introduce OpenBSD specific technology; OpenSSH, OpenBGPD/OpenOSPFD
- Introduction of ports/packages system
- Commercial company using OpenBSD
- Printing in OpenBSD
- Scanning in OpenBSD
- ADSL failover to 3G modem