Installation of Jacques Distler's Instiki
Jacques Distler's version of Instiki adds MathML, SVG and S5 support to Instiki XHTML complience is also improved in this version.
Install Jacques Distler's itex2MML with Ruby bindings. It is dependent on SWIG gmake and bison.
Install prerequisities. Version numbers are only valid for OpenBSD 6.6.
pkg_add ruby-2.5.7
pkg_add ruby25-maruku
Install "Jacques Distler's SVG Enabled Instiki":
tar -xzf instiki-svn.tar.gz
Create and migrate MySQL database. An working installation of MySQL is assumed.
mysql> create table wiki2_production
mysql> grant all privileges on wiki2_production.* to peter;
rake db:migrate
Install iconv
using system librarires. Otherwise you will get Cannot load
pkg_add libiconv
gem install iconv -v 1.0.8 --no-ri --no-rdoc -- --use-system-libraries
Install other dependencies.
bundle install
Test installation
script/server development -e development
Deploy using NGINX
How to secure instiki using NGINX
Equation test
{\int_{-\infty}^\infty e^{-a x^2} d x} = \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{a}}